Thursday, April 30, 2009

on a lighter note

For some reason May is alway extra hectic.

Last night I got home and had less than 5 minutes to get everyone ready, send one kid off to swimming and take two others to a baseball game.

I changed my clothes, grabbed some snacked, shoved everyone in the car and off we went. When we got to the baseball game my younger daughter said, " Dad, I forgot my shoes."


Then I looked at the passengers seat and quickly noticed that in my haste to get out of the house I left my shoes right next to her shoes.

" ....errrrr, nevermind."

I called my wife and asked her to bring me sneakers over with her. In the meantime I needed something to wear as I'm one of the coaches and needed to head down to the field to get the boys warmed up. Fortunately my car is a hybrid between a gym locker and a trash dump. I dug around for a while and finally came up with some footwear ( shown below).

I'm not sure if having this pair of sneakers under the seat in my car makes me lucky or unlucky. You be the judge.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The numbers

I've had more comments ( only 7 mind you) about the numbers I posted yesterday than anything since my heyday of daily posting of intestinal distress and hangover stories.

Yesterday was Israel's Memorial Day and I heard that 25,000 Israelis died "defending the homeland" since 1860...which I found to be really odd since there weren't any Israelis until 1948. So anyway I looked up some more current numbers, then surfed around to find some comparative numbers and posted them.

I had originally included Vietnam was and WWII stats as well but I thought that the post would get too convoluted to keep the attention of the bloggeratti. If you're interested those numbers can be easily found.

Someone with the screen name Mike has draw the conclusion that the numbers are somehow bashing the US military. Of course I'm not.

I think the reason I felt compelled to post the numbers is that I was a bit surprised at the disparity and, for me, its another example of the effectiveness of propaganda and the very ego-centric view of America.

I was under the impression that Israel is really getting hammered and has always been getting hammered with missiles and suicide bombers. Granted, any of those deaths by terrorists is an atrocity, and deplorable. But comparatively speaking, they've experienced a third of the deaths that the Palestinians have in the same time frame.

As for 9/11, As a country we suffered 3000 deaths on that terrible day. But we've lost 50% more than that in American lives fighting a war that supposed to prevent/be retribution for losses due to terrorism. That seems like a losing proposition to me.

The number that really jumped out at me was the number of Iraqi civilian deaths. Was struck me there, besides the huge number, was the comparison to American deaths on 9/11. If, as a country, are willing to commit billions of dollars and 5,000 soldiers lives because we lost 3000 civilians in an attack on our soil.....and Israel is willing to kill 3 times as many Palestinians as they've lost as retribution in their conflict...then what is the long term fallout of a nation of Iraqis who have lost 95,000 people as a consequence of our invasion, regardless of who is pulling the trigger ?

And regardless of whether you're watching MSNBC or FOXNEWS and you think that the media has liberal or conservative bias, in reality the US media outlets are really giving you two versions of a very similar story. That story is a very American/Israeli view of the world. That's one where American and Israeli deaths, interests, and political agendas are emphasized and situation and impact to the rest of the world is downplayed substantially.

I suppose, to some degree, that's done everywhere. But that sort of nationalist propaganda was once the mark of the Soviet Union and more currently of China. If, as individuals, we don't recognize those some tactics being applied to us, then we're subject to the same controls and losses of liberty as those two communist powers.

Some would say that with things such as the Patriot Act, the nationalization of the banking and auto industry, and whatever health care related legislation come out of this so called swine flu pandemic, that we've already turned that corner.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


1484 = Israeli deaths since 1987 in Mideast conflict

2,974 = People killed at 9/11

4957 = US soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan

6500 = Palastinian deaths since 1987 in Mideast conflict

95,000 = CIVILIAN deaths in Iraq since invasion

Monday, April 27, 2009


Fast forward to 2:30

BTW, for all his laughing at 6:30, Negraneau got his own ass kicked for about $400,000 himself later in this session.


It took exactly one day of good weather for people to turn unappreciative.

For almost 6 months I've been suffering in this cold, dealing with the wind and wearing 5 layers of stuff to go outside an exercise. I don't care if its 99 degrees, anything is better than a 3 hour ride at 22.

But sure enough, I was out in the yard yesterday and someone walked by complaining, " its too hot...I wish it was 70". Yeah well I wish my male pattern baldness didn't have me looking at hair plug ads, but wishing don't make it so. Shaddup, drink a glass of water, and be happy you don't have frostbite.

I sound pretty surley for a guy happy about the weather.

Friday, April 24, 2009

weird true stuff

that might freak you out.

- Alston Chase's book tells of the MK ULTRA experiments in which Theodore Kaczynski is reported to have undergone at Harvard, under the direction of Henry Murray. Chase connects these experiences in a controversial thesis to Kaczynski's later career as the Unabomber.

So a dude undergoes CIA mental experiments and became the Unibomber

Remember John Hinkley Jr who tried to assasinate Reagan ? How about this...

Hinckley is the son of one of George H.W. Bush's political and financial supporters in his 1980 presidential primary campaign against Ronald Reagan; John Hinckley Jr.'s elder brother, Scott Hinckley, and Vice President Bush's son Neil Bush had a dinner appointment scheduled for the next day.

Oh and what did the Hinkley family do for money ?

Scott Hinckley, vice-president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corporation,

Oil. What a surprise.

You do of course know and remember that GHW Bush was he head of the CIA before running for president.

Remember the guy who investaged Vince Fosters death and Monica Lewinski, Ken Starr ? His uncle was C.V. Starr . C.V. Star helps form form the CIA and he founded a company that you may have heard of in the news recently AIG.

Pat Robertson, the 700 club religous dude...well his father was a US Senator on the Banking Committee with Bush's dad Prescott Bush. Small world eh ?

THIS ONE you're just going to have to click on.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


My last social outlet is a monthly poker game on the second Monday of each month.

This month I missed it.

That means I haven't had a reasonable, or for that matter unreasonable,conversation with an adult male for more than 5 minutes in length in something like 7 weeks.

If I don't have an inane conversation that includes the words "field", " one more last round", and " waitress's age" within the next 5 days, I'm fairly certain my head will explode.

I'm like the Ultraman of degenerates.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've been having weird dreams.

Last week was a mash up between My Cousin Vinnie and the part of the bible when Pilate lets Barabus free. I was the Ralph Macchio character and the dude who played Herman Munster was Pontius Pilate. Unfortunately there were no bedroom scene with Marisa Tomei.

The upside: Entertaining with an Easter theme

The downside: No chance of getting back to sleep after that madness

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wicked funny.

Go to their site and do whatever they have you do to support their efforts.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Got that behind me

Did the tri yesterday. Given my recent illness(es) it went better than expected. Swim time spot on, ride time not embarassing, and the run time was ( for me) solid. It was an encouraging start. I've slacked the last 6 weeks and the experience was encouraging enough to make me bear down again for a little while with the training.

The event itself was very well done. The marshals were great, the people running the show did a fantastic job, and it was really nice being able to ride to the race and run, bike, and swim in a familiar setting. I'm a little stiff today, but given last week being a little sore isn't anything I'm not used to.

One thing I noticed. Knowing that she was going to be standing around in her bare feet, everyone woman there had freshly painted toenails. So I suppose that in addition to all the other stuff necessary for triathlon preparation, women have to add "paint toenails" to the list. That seems like a bit of a pain, but their feet did look nice.

Wow, that sounded creepy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

athletic supporters

One time years ago I was in a race (like a real bike race )and one of the better riders on the team was having a problem with his saddle slipping into the frame.

He went to the back of the field and I went with him and we waived up support. After much gesticulating we realize that the support guy was too scared to drive close to the field so we went back.

My rider, " My seat post is slipping I need some allen keys..probably a 5"

The neutral support mechanic, " what ?"

" I need a some allen keys !"

" huh ?"

Meanwhile, this whole time I'm trying to keep us the same distance from the back of the field which is getting increasing difficult because the field was really clipping along.

Frustrated, my guy screamed " ALLEN..... KEYS !!!!!"

Finally the mechanics eyes lit up and he started nodding and giving us the thumbs up. He said something to the driver and they zoomed up ahead of us and quickly pulled over to the side of the road.

As we pulled up along side of them, the mechanic jumped out of the truck and ran to the back and started rooting through the wheels while we stood there befuddled.

My guys said, " What the hell are you doing ?!"

and franticly the mechanic looked up and said, " Hang on, hang on I'm looking....but, I can't find any wheels with the name Allen Keys anywhere."

We got dropped.

shaved and tapered

So far in the last week:

- my bike broke
- I cracked myself in the nose with my handlebars while trying to pull my brake pads off - the wrong direction
- I was bed ridden sick for 36 hours ( btw 'drunk with my own power' i posted last week didn't mean drunk with alcohol..THAT I could have handled...I mean that I trained way too hard and got sick)
- I had vertigo
- I've had massive insomnia averaging 4 hours of sleep a night
- I've run 3 miles on a treadmill and swam 500 yards - total since last thursday
- I haven't ridden at all. I got up this morning and its too foggy
- my diet has consisted almost entirely of pulled pork and slightly stale birthday cake

3 days till race time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"yeah, I'll try it"

I posted this a couple years ago. It always cheers me up when I'm down.

If you turn up the volume near the end you can hear Miles the whole way to the bottom.


Walked across the room
In a neon light
Dark pair of shades
Blocking out the night

Smoke ring blowing
White Owl Panatella
There wasn't a thing
That man couldn't sell you

He kept a 45 in a Crown Royal bag
Wiped the fingerprints off
Handed me the rag

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

top 5

Top 5 things...

not to do when you have vertigo

5. Nod vigerously in the affirmative or negative

4. Swim

3. Get on 30 westbound while traveling south from anywhere

2. Run on a treadmill

1. Demonstrate what vertigo feels like by spinning around in a circle

he takes a lickin

Harry Kalas is dead.

But Abe Vigoda just keep on tickin'

Monday, April 13, 2009


The overall body ache came and went, but has now been replaced by dizziness.

If I sit completely still nothing spins. But seeing as how I'm nauseous, sitting still isn't all that comfortable. The minute I move my head to either size the spinning starts.

No other symptoms beside the spinning.

I'm going to do a little googling and see what I have. Last time I did this I diagnosed myself with early onset menopause.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I done went and done it.

I felt the best I felt all year this week and went and got drunk on my own power.

I swam super hard monday and Thursday. I ran hard Tuesday and Thursday. And I rode myself into the ground on Wednesday night feeling fantastic.

Since Friday afternoon I haven't been able to move.

I slept 14 hours yesterday and the only thing in my body that doesn't severely ache is my right kneecap. And that's only because its gone numb.

One week to go till my first triathlon and I've too sore and tired to get up to take a leak.


I'm sure the 4 hours in the car today will faciliitate my recouperation.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

That's 3 liters metric


" Daddy, sometimes when I run really hard my mouth tastes like pennies"

- that's not pennies dear, that's a spoonful of heaven


" How was your ride Daddy"

- fine

" How fast did you go ?"

- about a gallons worth of heaven dear, about a gallons worth

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Culture Clash

I was down in Richmond to golf for a few days with a bunch of my Uncles and cousins from New Jersey.

Besides the usual things like broken clubs, temper tantrums, and drunken brawls that you'd expect from such an outting, I was suprised by the mix of cultures when you take 8 guys from Jersey and toss them into the middle of southern hospitality.

First thing was ordering food. Guys from jersey mean to say, " Can I have a burger ?", but it comes out, " Gimme a burger !" Apparently southerns react to perceived rudeness by just walking away. New Jerseyians hate to be ignored. If we had stayed one more day I thing I would have just given up eating all together.

The other thing was the friendliness. Everywhere you walked, people would look you in the eye and say hello. Guys from Jersey assume that a hearty hello is likely to be followed by a shiv to the gut. So as we walked from the putting green to the clubhouse or from the car to the restaurant locals would look up at us and say, " Howdy, how y'all doin ?" and half the guys would immediately check their wallets in their back pockets and the other half would say something along the lines of, " No thanks, we don't want any." or " sorry, I don't have any change."

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Other stuff that happened B.L.

Other random stuff that happened "Before Lance" that you may never have known.

Peter Stetina's father and uncle kicked ass. Between the two of them they won some ungodly number of races...then as a joke, they convinced half the mid-west that grape juice had some magical cycling properties.

Mike Neel
crashed the 7-11 Team car, narrowly avoided death, but inadvertantly slipped in and out of the different 5 languages he knows for like a year after the crash.

This thing

is called a spoke wrench. It used to be a mandatory piece of equipment on every ride because your wheels would go out of true. Additionally, chains used to break, gears would go out of adjustment, and toe straps ( don't even get me started) would break. I know it all sounds insane. It was. Be very grateful to the Japanese.

Steve Woznik had the mother of all protests

Fitchburg is actually called Fitchburg-Longsjo. Here's why.

This is a bad-ass picture

I'm out golfing for a few days. Have fun.