Monday, April 20, 2009

Got that behind me

Did the tri yesterday. Given my recent illness(es) it went better than expected. Swim time spot on, ride time not embarassing, and the run time was ( for me) solid. It was an encouraging start. I've slacked the last 6 weeks and the experience was encouraging enough to make me bear down again for a little while with the training.

The event itself was very well done. The marshals were great, the people running the show did a fantastic job, and it was really nice being able to ride to the race and run, bike, and swim in a familiar setting. I'm a little stiff today, but given last week being a little sore isn't anything I'm not used to.

One thing I noticed. Knowing that she was going to be standing around in her bare feet, everyone woman there had freshly painted toenails. So I suppose that in addition to all the other stuff necessary for triathlon preparation, women have to add "paint toenails" to the list. That seems like a bit of a pain, but their feet did look nice.

Wow, that sounded creepy.

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