Thursday, April 16, 2009

shaved and tapered

So far in the last week:

- my bike broke
- I cracked myself in the nose with my handlebars while trying to pull my brake pads off - the wrong direction
- I was bed ridden sick for 36 hours ( btw 'drunk with my own power' i posted last week didn't mean drunk with alcohol..THAT I could have handled...I mean that I trained way too hard and got sick)
- I had vertigo
- I've had massive insomnia averaging 4 hours of sleep a night
- I've run 3 miles on a treadmill and swam 500 yards - total since last thursday
- I haven't ridden at all. I got up this morning and its too foggy
- my diet has consisted almost entirely of pulled pork and slightly stale birthday cake

3 days till race time.

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