Friday, April 24, 2009

weird true stuff

that might freak you out.

- Alston Chase's book tells of the MK ULTRA experiments in which Theodore Kaczynski is reported to have undergone at Harvard, under the direction of Henry Murray. Chase connects these experiences in a controversial thesis to Kaczynski's later career as the Unabomber.

So a dude undergoes CIA mental experiments and became the Unibomber

Remember John Hinkley Jr who tried to assasinate Reagan ? How about this...

Hinckley is the son of one of George H.W. Bush's political and financial supporters in his 1980 presidential primary campaign against Ronald Reagan; John Hinckley Jr.'s elder brother, Scott Hinckley, and Vice President Bush's son Neil Bush had a dinner appointment scheduled for the next day.

Oh and what did the Hinkley family do for money ?

Scott Hinckley, vice-president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corporation,

Oil. What a surprise.

You do of course know and remember that GHW Bush was he head of the CIA before running for president.

Remember the guy who investaged Vince Fosters death and Monica Lewinski, Ken Starr ? His uncle was C.V. Starr . C.V. Star helps form form the CIA and he founded a company that you may have heard of in the news recently AIG.

Pat Robertson, the 700 club religous dude...well his father was a US Senator on the Banking Committee with Bush's dad Prescott Bush. Small world eh ?

THIS ONE you're just going to have to click on.

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