Thursday, April 16, 2009

athletic supporters

One time years ago I was in a race (like a real bike race )and one of the better riders on the team was having a problem with his saddle slipping into the frame.

He went to the back of the field and I went with him and we waived up support. After much gesticulating we realize that the support guy was too scared to drive close to the field so we went back.

My rider, " My seat post is slipping I need some allen keys..probably a 5"

The neutral support mechanic, " what ?"

" I need a some allen keys !"

" huh ?"

Meanwhile, this whole time I'm trying to keep us the same distance from the back of the field which is getting increasing difficult because the field was really clipping along.

Frustrated, my guy screamed " ALLEN..... KEYS !!!!!"

Finally the mechanics eyes lit up and he started nodding and giving us the thumbs up. He said something to the driver and they zoomed up ahead of us and quickly pulled over to the side of the road.

As we pulled up along side of them, the mechanic jumped out of the truck and ran to the back and started rooting through the wheels while we stood there befuddled.

My guys said, " What the hell are you doing ?!"

and franticly the mechanic looked up and said, " Hang on, hang on I'm looking....but, I can't find any wheels with the name Allen Keys anywhere."

We got dropped.

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