Tuesday, December 01, 2009

surprise reaction

Anytime everyone is mad at you you've done something wrong...
unless you're a politician...
then if everyone is mad at you, you're probably doing something right.

I watched Obama's speech tonight as a bit of a skeptic. He's been a disappointment to me so far.

But I was plesantly surprised but what he had to say. What I like was him making some definative committment to transparency, the settings of deadlines, and broad vision. I still don't believe that he's likely to deliver, but it was nice to see such a significant departure in rhetoric.

So my first trip was over to Fox to see them lambaste him. Those guys barely made a stink. Then O'Reilly came on said a few words and spent the rest of the time talking about the hair style of the chick who snuck into the White House.

Then I went over to MSNBC and pretty much everyone over there half heartedly busted Obama's balls. Olberman couldn't even get excited.

i think perhaps he's stumped them all with reason.

1 comment:

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

I didn't watch the speech, I had better things to do than watch another megalomaniac lie to me. That said, I find it difficult to believe that any man could find a reasonable way to explain how a country like Afghanistan represents such a threat to the US that we have to risk the lives more 30,000 US kids to deal with them.

I could be wrong...somewhere some Taliban motherfucker might have a bona-fide, workable plan to invade the US. I put the risk at about 0.0001% per annum.

And the dead, maimed and broken bodies keep trickling back...
