Monday, September 27, 2010

One year

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary when I gave up on being fit.

I was overtrained, overworked, overcooked.

I didn't make a conscious effort to go totally into the tank. I had planned on taking one month off, but true to two laws of physics;

* An object at rest, stays at rest...etc etc
* and I've never done anything in moderation

one month turned into one year.

The results.....

* 26.5 lbs weight gain
* all new shirts because "fitted shirt" actually means fitted and I now have a much fatter neck.
* two inches in the waistline, at least, resulting in one popped button (so far) and one new belt.

There are also a slew of side effects such as soreness, not being able to touch my toes, and the like...the worst of which is no longer being able to dunk on the house front hoop and reminded of it daily by my 10 year old son.

So we'll see if we can turn the boat around. I'm not hopeful, but I'm definitely not hopeless. To those ends...

Day 1.


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

"Turn the boat around."


We can always set up some sort of tracking graph on Doucheblog.

Maybe you could get one of those WIFI scales that automacialy uupdates your shit to the website of your choice.

I got all kinds of ideas...just let me know where you need to go with it.


mathbach said...

how high is the hoop set at? just curious.

Spice said...

Christ..I've dunked on the hoop in your driveway.

Unknown said...

turn that shit around. i think your motivation and trash talk might be enough to get burt, spice and mbach to come out with you for a moab team next fall.

second week of october. mountain bike "racing", campfires, peyote and the desert landscape.

i'll register you guys when i'm there next weekend.