Wednesday, June 01, 2011

4th estate

Let me start by (under)stating that I don't care for Sarah Palin.

But the thing about her that's captured my interest is the fact that she has completely cut out the media ( except FOX for whom she works) and its driving them nuts.

That being said I find the following comment from MSNBC to be appalling:

In fact, the whole thing could be in breach of a federal law because the United States Flag Code establishes important rules for the use and display of the stars and stripes, the flag of the United States. Under standards of respect and etiquette, it's made clear that the flag of the United States should never be used for any advertising purpose whatsoever. Yet that's precisely what Sarah Palin is doing.

We had a president for 8 years who ignored the Constitution, Federal Law, and good judgement, we have a current President who picked up where he left off, and we have a Federal Monetary system that's predictably doomed to fair and the entire time the new media has done nothing but serve as a PR firm and as a subset of the White House communications department but now....NOW....they're going to take a sudden interest in law, order, and ethics ?!

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