Monday, January 04, 2010

movie review time

I had a chance to see some movies over the last week, thought I'd share.

Avatar 3-D - You'll pretty much figure out the story line in 30 seconds if you haven't already. Doesn't matter. It reminded my seeing Star Wars as a kid, visually mindblowing. The 3-D was incredibly well down and the transition from live action to animation was seamless. When this technology gets applied universally, it will revitalize the movie theater just can't get this experience at home.

And when they figure out how to apply the technology to sports and video games, I'm dumping all my investments into Laz-E-Boy and drool cups. ( even I'm not completely sure what that means, but you get the idea)

Up In The Air - I had to go to the movies twice to see this as it was sold out the first time. My reaction is a a solid "eh". The premise is good. The acting is good. The story is good. I think I may have been more impressed without the hype. Worth seeing.

Man on Wire - Documentary about the guy who walked on a tightrope from one twin tower to another in 1974. The stunt was totally illegal and the story follows the attempt from its conception through the planning stages and to the day of the walk through archived footage and current day interviews with the participants. This is a fun rental.

The Hangover - Fun movie. Ken Jeong almost steals the movie as Mr. Chow and who can resist any movie with Mike Tyson. Good times, quality rental, thumbs up.

1 comment:

Mr. B said...

It's back!