Thursday, February 18, 2010

the guy who flew the plane into the IRS building was crazy right ?

He sure writes pretty well for a crazy person.

You can only poke people with the stick of fear...of H1N1, terrorism, economic collapse, of a secret Muslim/socialist president....before some of those people start to get pissed off.

Flying a plane into a building qualifies as pissed off.


steevo said...

Dude he is a combined teabagger/class warrior. he has allies everywhere. This might be the beginning of the end.

ridin at 4:20 said...

The one thing that has surprised me is that it's been almost 30 years since an assassination attempt. With 8 years of Bush and now Obama and people being upset, it really is surprising.

I sure as hell hope nothing ever happens. If these crazy wing-nuts want to hurt themselves, then so be it. But don't hurt innocent people who for all they know may have the same frustrations, they just choose to handle it differently.

PT Paul said...

Your right Steevo, the beginning of the end of a progressive socialist political class in DC. GO TEABAGGERS!!!!!

Sheriff Bart said...

It's like Chris Rock said, "I ain't sayin' he shoulda done it... but I understand."