Thursday, February 23, 2006

It's sweeping the nation

A buddy informed me that Otis Reading did a cover of the Stones' " I Can't Get No Satisfaction" so I punched it up and sure enough, there it was. I gotta say that it is pretty darn good. It might be close to the original. It's definitely better than the Devo cover, but that's not really saying much.

I'm back into the music thing since my wife got an mp3 player last week. I've been loading a ton of outright awful music onto it for her and been trying to find a little something decent as balance. Im no music snob . In fact I'll be the first to tell you that I don't know jack. But there's only so much Hillary Duff and Christian Contemporary Pop you can take before you develop a craving for some good old fashion rock and roll or Motown Soul.

One of the benefits of the mp3 is that I can load the player interviews from onto it and take them running with me. I usually can run for about 15-20 minutes before I start feeling miserable and bored. I listened to Mike Matasow interview TJ Cloutier for 40 minutes the other afternoon and time flew.

Despite my earlier commitment, I went back to playing online poker after about 10 days off. The first couple of sessions were fantastic. I was paying attention, I was applying the things I've recently read, and I was winning at a steady rate. Then by the third session I started surfing the web and reading email. By the fourth session I was playing two tables at one, watching TV, and checking emails. It wasn't long before I lost my shirt.

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I can confidently say that I'm not insane. I actually KNOW that I'm going to lose my shirt. I think my problem is more compulsive in nature. For now I'm going to try and stick with the home games. At least there I'm only distracted by my own sobriety and that's easily fixed.

Until next time go over and try this reaction test . I just tried it and cranked out a .196. Good luck touching that.

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