Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh Me Oh My Oh Monday

So, what's be going on you ask ?

Well on Saturday I saw monkeys riding dogs and herding rams. And sadly that's not a euphamism for something more exciting.

Say hello to Team Ghost Riders

They were the halftime show at the Farm Show Rodeo that I took my kids to. Both the Farm Show and the Rodeo are a good time. If there really is a thing such as All-American fun, then that might be as close as you can get. The downside, everything worn smells remarkably and almost permanently like the ass of a cow.

The weekend ? Friday: talked and drank, Saturday: Farm Show sausage then cards and drank, Sunday: Watched football and drank. I've concluded that I do a good job of not letting all those other activities interfere with the drinking.

I'm in a weight loss contest now for the last two weeks and I've only gained 2 lbs. I haven't completely connected the dots, but I'm starting to suspect this paragraph and the one above it are somehow related.

On Friday I was in a local pub and saw someone who looked remarkably like Sez walk past and go into the bathroom. Brentz, Grib and I followed the guy in. I took place at the stall next to him and tried to assertain if it was him or not when Grib threw caution to the wind.

" WE GOT YOU SURROUNDED !!!! HANDS UP MOTHERFUCKER !!!", Grib had his hands like a gun and kept poking Sez's elbow while he pissed, " I SAID HANDS UP !!!"

Thank goodness it was Sez.

As funny as that might have been, it was the guy washing his hands at the sink running out of the room in terror that caused Mr. Brentz to laugh so hard he threw up in his mouth a little.

Sez might now be incontnent.