Thursday, March 20, 2008

In the clear

A couple of years ago while visiting my parents, my brother noted that our youngest was no longer in diapers.

To this he made a comment that only someone without three children could possibly make. He said, " Oh fantastic...looks like you're in the clear."

Let's fast forward to Tuesday night. I'm tired, I'm fighting off a cold, and I'm getting ready for bed and Mrs. Flick says, " oh shoot, we need to blow out five eggs for the kindegarten class Easter project."

Five minutes later, instead of restfully laying in bed, I found myself sitting at the table with a sewing needs and a carton of raw eggs.

What followed was an array of swearing, jabbing, and egg breaking that would give any mischief night a run for its money.

Ever try to blow up a really cheap, really small ballon and you blow so hard that your eyes bug-out, you get dizzy, and eventually give up and have a headache ? Yeah that's what I did, with a half dozen eggs...without giving up....for 1 hour and 35 minutes.

I also stuck myself twice with a sewing needle covered in raw egg. My best shot is that instead of getting salmonella, that I get what spiderman got when he got bit by that spider. Then again, I'm not sure that if I'm lucky enough to get super powers that I get those of a egg layin chicken. You don't see a lot of Chickenman comics in circulation.

The night ended with some success in that I got all five eggs done. Hurrah ! When your night ends with your hands and face covered in raw egg whites and looking like you just got done making a really awful japanese porno vid, its the small victories that you need to hang onto.

Yeah Bro, I'm "in the clear".


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Is this blog dead?

Unknown said...

we're coming up on a month with no updates. dude, i know you well enough to know that you said or did at least one thing stupid enough to put on the blog in the past 30 days. let's hear it.