Thursday, August 28, 2008


Part of starting my new job has been to try and make sure that I'm respectful of the fact that all the employees who were here when I have here have their own particular way of doing things. I'm also substantially more self aware because everyone in the office is a woman...more specifically all women between 50-65 years old.

The first week of work that was on my mind when I went into the non-urinal, shared bathroom and was sure to put the seat down when I was done. On the second day, I went in and saw the seat was UP ?! I took my leak, put the seat down, and off I went. The third day I went in SEAT UP ?!?! I was starting to freak out. With an entire office full of women either one of the chicks was getting freaky, or someone was trying to set me up.

On day four the seat was up and I was on full out paranoia. About a half hour later I heard the secretary get up and go walking down the way toward the bathroom. I went, put the seat down then laid in wait to see who the culprit was. I went into the bookkeepers office which is directly across from the bathroom ( another story for another time). I brought a folder she and I were going to review so I could keep an eye on the bathroom door without drawing suspicion on myself. After a minute or two I heard a click and looked up but the bathroom door didn't move. Instead, off to the left, the hall closet opened and the secretary came walking out of the closet.

" Huh ?!", I said aloud, " What was she doing in the closet ?"

The bookkeeper look at me puzzled, " the closet?"

" Yeah Suz just came walking out of the closet !"

He face twisted up a little more, " Don't you...Do you mean the women's bathroom ?"

Apparently, we have a women's bathroom.

Also...apparently the maintenance MAN comes in at time.

And finally....apparently I'm a jackass.

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