Thursday, September 04, 2008

where I've been

In a nutshell...

Got stuck in one airport....then got stuck in a second airport...was in both places with a headcold, so getting hammered drunk was out of the question. In an airport, with a headcold, sober might be the second level of hell.

Anyway up in the air, sinuses exploding, back down...rinse and repeat.

Finally got home after 12 hours miserable and exhausted. I loaded up no twice as many cold meds as recommended, pounded a beer, and went straight to bed at 8:30. I traded rooms with my daughter so that I wouldn't infect anyone else.

Somewhere around 2 am I woke up doped and disoriented and with a full bladder. I tried to figure out where I was made a beline for the only lightsource coming from the hallway.


I walked right into a opened closet door and split my nose and head open. I didn't even bother dealing with it. I took a leak and went back to bed.

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