Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Other stuff that happened B.L.

Other random stuff that happened "Before Lance" that you may never have known.

Peter Stetina's father and uncle kicked ass. Between the two of them they won some ungodly number of races...then as a joke, they convinced half the mid-west that grape juice had some magical cycling properties.

Mike Neel
crashed the 7-11 Team car, narrowly avoided death, but inadvertantly slipped in and out of the different 5 languages he knows for like a year after the crash.

This thing

is called a spoke wrench. It used to be a mandatory piece of equipment on every ride because your wheels would go out of true. Additionally, chains used to break, gears would go out of adjustment, and toe straps ( don't even get me started) would break. I know it all sounds insane. It was. Be very grateful to the Japanese.

Steve Woznik had the mother of all protests

Fitchburg is actually called Fitchburg-Longsjo. Here's why.

This is a bad-ass picture

I'm out golfing for a few days. Have fun.


Spice said...

One of the Stetinas works for Shimano....

Whomever...he's a nice dude.

JMP said...

Regarding Woznik:

Before he cut all ties, Mike Fraysse was like a father to me, and he often let me peruse his cycling archives, which included everything from vintage equipment to paperwork (Such as that detailing the 84 blood doping affair) to photos...and Fraysse has a set of prints that chronicle Woznik's protest and subsequent victory that are simply stunning. Mike should have them (the photos) scanned and uploaded to some virtual cycling museum, as they tell an amazing story.

JMP said...

Fraysse also tells a great story about what happened when the Stetina brothers experimented with and subsequently abandoned the vegetarian lifestyle whilst racing in Canada. I'm sure at least half of the story was embellished or fabricated, but it was entertaining nonetheless.