Tuesday, April 28, 2009


1484 = Israeli deaths since 1987 in Mideast conflict

2,974 = People killed at 9/11

4957 = US soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan

6500 = Palastinian deaths since 1987 in Mideast conflict

95,000 = CIVILIAN deaths in Iraq since invasion


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Those Iraqis only count 1/10th of an American and about 1/20th of an Israeli, because they're brown.

Besides, those people should be glad we removed their opressive despot and replaced him with...


JMP said...

B-52 strikes (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=955_1212796258) will have that mass-casualty effect.

beer drinkin irishman said...

Are you implying that American soldiers killed 95,000 civilians in Iraq? Also can you tell me what it is like to see this atrocity happening first hand and what are you doing to stop this?

ridin at 4:20 said...

Now that you put it like that, a little waterboarding on a hot day ain't so bad.

Lucky said...


I didn't imply anything.

I posted statistics to add some perspective to the discussion.

The recent Gaza-Isreali conflict, 9/11, and the current conflict all received coverage disproportionate to the casualty count...not that it should be the only measure of a newsworthy story.

The numbers should also lend some insight into the difficulties of diplomacy in the wake of mass casualties in all of the conflicts listed.

I was also going to include that 12,000,000 Russians died in WW2. TWELEVE MILLION ! and some other statistics, but that would have just been overkill ( pardon the pun).

I conclussions you drew about American soldiers et al has nothing to do what I posted and everything to do with whatever issues you're trying to resolve.

Texas Bigen said...

Unfair comparison. Most of the time they are blowing themselves up and taking their neighbors with them. They were doing this before we got there too, its just now we get to count them.

Now lets list the deaths due to the flu as well.

beer drinkin irishman said...

If you are just posting some numbers, then why would you have civilian in caps for the Iraq civilians, but yet just have people killed at 9/11 or Israeli or Palastinian deaths? Are they not civilians and deserve the same respect as the Iraqis?

Lucky said...

The Israeli and Palastinian numbers include both civiians and military, the 9/11 deaths are self explanitory, the US military deaths are military deaths, and the Iraq statistics are civilian and noted as such. I don't see where anything conveys more or less respect based on the accurracy of the description.

The 95,000 civilian deaths in Iraq are obviously not, nor are they in any way implied to be, all by at the hands of American military.

They are, of course, as a result of the US/coalition invasion of Iraq, but that's not the fault of US soldiers.

Texas Bigen said...

LuckyLaud I still disagree with you. The religious factions over there have been killing each other in big numbers way before we got there but we didn't hear much about it due to who controlled the press. Now that we control it we can keep a daily accounting.