Monday, May 11, 2009


I heard a bit on NPR this morning interviewing Californians regarding gay marriage.

One gay woman was lamenting the fact that its likely that the gay marriage ban was going to be unheld, but that existing marriages would continue to be recognized. Her main concern was the being stuck in the middle like that was going to, " perhaps make thing a little awkward with other people and make her feel like she was a little different."

Do you think she knows she's a lesbian ?

The whole gay marriage thing always reminds me of Tom Sawyer's friends all fighting over the chance to paint his fence.

BTW, the Church didn't even recognize marriage until 1545 and "the state" didn't start recognizing it until 1753. In both cases, the purpose of getting involved with marriage was soley for generating new taxation. As with most things the whole matter is silly.

My weekend went old skool. I drank a lot, stayed out late, exercised a lot, and determined, finally, that there's no way to hold that pace past 40. Yesterday was a nice retreat to domestic bliss, hanging out with the family, doing some yard work, going for a ride and swim, and pampering Mom. Apparently Big Bad Bill really is Sweet William now.

Oh, and the boy got me twice this weekend. One in two-bounce and once in a chipping contest. He's got the jar right now and its getting kinda full.

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