Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sore subject

I'm sore every day.

One year, almost to the day, I decided to stop being a fat bastard. For one year, I've diligently exercised, I've lost a bunch of weight, I've taken better care of myself.

And for one full year, every day, I'm sore.

And I'm pretty f-ing sick of it.

Now to make matters worse, I did a 10 mile trail run a week ago while fighting off a cold and ended up spending 4 full days in bed.

Yesterday I went and did a light 3 mile jog ( mind you in the last 2 months I've completed a half-ironman, did well in a 3+ hour adventure race, muddled through a hard 10 mile off road run, and trained average of 12 hours a week)..anyway...I did a light 3 mile jog, I was winded, and I woke up today sore as hell.

Shit, I threw darts last night with the boy and my arm is sore.

So I'm starting to wonder if perhaps there's some environmental condition in my home that's slowly poisoning me, is there really what I have to look forward to for the next 30 years (or so) I have left on this planet ?

See I like being fit, but I don't remember every being this miserable when I was a drunk fat bastard.

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