Tuesday, October 27, 2009

kill da waaabit

Everyone around here hunts. And they all are always asking everyone else about hunting... " Did you hunt... are you going to hunt... where do you hunt..." or its " this one time at hunting camp..."

For the non-hunters, like myself its quite an awkward and annoying time, because eventually the conversation comes around to you. When you admit that you're NOT a hunter and you're amongst hunters it can only go one of two bad ways. They either think that you don't approve or hunting and they start getting argumentative and defensive. The other option is they just think your a big deer humping pussy.

Its taken about 35 years, but I've finally figured out a means to coping with this issue. As soon as I see the conversation going that way I ask..

" When you shoot something, does it give you an erection ? Because the main thing that keeps from hunting is the fear that the rush of killing something will give me a boner and I'll spend the rest of my life associating sex with killing things....and that's a long dark road that I'm not quite ready to head down at this point in my life"

No one talks about hunting with me anymore.

1 comment:

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

What if you're talking to a woman?
