Thursday, November 12, 2009

while waiting for parent teacher conferences..

...I saw this in the hall.

I laughed through the whole conference.


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

It is funny, but it pisses me off, too.

The message: If you're towing the Government School's line on drugs, then its okay to make spelling errors and make fun of people with fucking handicaps.

Its actually pretty fucking sad...


ridin at 4:20 said...
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ridin at 4:20 said...

The kid's that made the poster were probably sniffing glue before they made it. Why buy drugs when there are so many ready available ones over the counter? Or for that matter, under the kitchen counter.

That's the scary part.

Lucky said...

Jesus. Everybody has become a killjoy.

Mr.Fundamental said...

Agi liked it.