Monday, February 13, 2012

Weekend roundup

Finally saw Drive. I think it will take me 2 weeks and one more watching to know exactly what I think. All I now so far is that there's something to the movie, I'm just not sure what.

Far less time to form an opinion about Sex is Comedy. Great movie.

I had someone land on my foot during basketball this weekend. I finally got my answer to the age-old question " what's under your toe nail". Some things are better left unknown.

Why is MIA's little finger obscene, but the half naked teen girls humping the floor behind her ok ?

I'm not sure what all the hub-bub about Whitney Houston is. Yeah, she had a great set of pipes, but except for one album 20 years ago, and one decent rendition of the national anthem, what had she accomplished ? To me her death is just another indication of unfulfilled promise.

And I don't get the freaked out singer chicks in general....Whitney, Mariah, Any winehouse, Britney, etc. These chicks aren't even creating their own music. If you have a nice set of pipes and are easy to look at, all you need to do is show up, sing a few songs, then arrive at an awards show is a tight dress once in a while. WTF is with all the drama. Take a look at this list. You've got to go all the way down to Joan Baez before you find someone who hasn't died and/or lost their friggin mind.

All I have to say is thank god for Adele.

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