Thursday, September 22, 2005

Boardwalk Woes

I heard on the radio that there's a big push in Ocean City to establish a Bay side boardwalk. My question, naturally, is does Ocean City really need more pizza and dirty sayings on t-shirts ?

I've never been a fan of the boardwalk. The one in AC has the pushcart dudes and they freak me out. There are like 100 of them and they swarm like sea gulls to a french fry every time you leave the boardwalk. I think I've seen two people riding in those things ever. The whole thing has to be some sort of a front.

I had my boy out on his new bike yesterday. He learned to ride without training wheels, both my kids did, last week. But the boy is a little small for the bike and a tad shaky, so we went to practice. He did great. What struck me though, was how freakin happy kids are while riding their bikes. I always see kids zipping around. No going anywhere, just enjoying the feel of spinning around. And they are super happy. Adults should ride bikes more often. Not for fitness or training or anything...just to ride. I bet it would make them happy.

Has anyone seen that Fox dancing show ? I watch it. There I said it. I don't know anything about dancing, but the judges are mental patients. At least one of the cries every week and they all have a chip on their shoulder about their "art" not getting the proper respect. What better yet is to watch them argue among themselves, each touting thier own discipline. Nothing much more entertaining than some old broads arguing with drag queens.

I also watched the INXS thing. At least the last two weeks I did. It sucked. INXS is like 100 years old. Odd thing is that the dude who won can sing and for the final show the band got up and played. THEY ROCKED. The show also had some pretty good rock songs that you rarely hear anymore. Finally, one loser dude did a cover of Bohemian Rhapsody. Covering that takes some balls and he pulled it off..but it made me think about how freaking good that song is and how great that album is. I'm not a music buff, but I'd have to put that up there among the better albums of all time.

Man I'm all over the place. The poker tourney better come soon. I'm now sure how much longer I can ride the manic before the depressive sets in.

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