Thursday, September 15, 2005


I pulled down this morning's post. My apologies to anyone who was subjected to my rant. Not for the content, but for the fact that I would spout on about my opinions on politics, race, and morality.

The fact is that unless you are actually going to do something about it, talking about all that shit is an illussion. Largely political and social debate is hot air, a distraction, and a false sense of empowerment and rightousness.

Plus, no one likes a bore.

In other news, I met might son's kindegarten teacher for the second time last night. The first enoucounter was very very weird. She acted is if we knew each other...and that however we knew each other was not a very good thing. Worse yet, way back in my mind I kept thinking " man this chick looks familiar" and " I have a very bad feeling about this". My wife, of course thought I was nuts. Well we both went in there last night and I walked up and intoduced myself to the teacher and then introduced my wife. What followed could not have been more awkward if I had let out a huge fart that left a spoonfull in my shorts. The three of us stood there with the teacher refusing to make eye contact and making long pauses and monosyllabic answers to our inquiries into our son's progress. This bubbly kindergarten teacher suddenly clammed up and got very anxious. I thought that maybe I was imagining things until we walked out of the room and my wife asked, " What the hell was that ?!"....then, " Did you sleep with her ?"

The whole thing is really weird and is starting to freak me out.

Ron's theory is that the woman acts like that to everyone and there's a portion of the community who went home last night with their wives asking, " did you sleep with her ?" That's plausible, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's something more than that.

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