Friday, February 02, 2007

caught red handed

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Mayor Gavin Newsom apologized Thursday for having a sexual relationship with his former campaign manager's wife.

"I'm deeply sorry," Newsom said during a brief news conference at City Hall the day after the aide resigned. Newsom appeared poised but visibly emotional. He spoke for about a minute and left without taking questions.


I like how he doesn't expand on what he's sorry about. If he's getting emotional about it I suspect he's mostly sorry he wont be hitting that any more.

While lamenting the fact that I can no longer play online poker, I started considering all the other things that, as a "free" person in America that I'm unable to do...which got me thinking about some basic TRUTHS that we can all agree on but that remain fucked up. I really don't want to turn this into a rant, but how is it possible that everyone agrees that these things are fucked up, but nothing EVER gets done about them ?

1) INCOME TAX - the format is fucked, the rate is fucked, the process is fucked. There's not a person on the planet who doesn't think that the entire process is a complete and total cluster-fuck. How retarded is it that a normal, intelligent person, with an average source of income has to go to a professional to ensure that they are not violating the law. Did you read about the poor fucker who won the space ride...absurd.

I don't know what the answer is, but I suspect a flat tax is a step in the right direction. It seems to me the the current system exists to confuse people into realizing that they're being ripped off and that we are on the verge of turning into a socialist state. I say, set a flat tax, you pay that portion of your income, and that's it. And I'd say cap that shit at like 25%...theres no way that you should have to give up any more than 25% of what you earn...I mean religous titheing is only 10% and thats for God !

2) This is for Pennsylvania....How is it possible that I cannot go into a grocery store and buy a bottle of wine or a case of beer !?!?!?! I have to go to a STATE OWNED STORE to buy a bottle of wine ?!?! Why ? I'm not grown up enough to be able to have access to wine ? Fucking retarded up and down. And an unfair fucking monopoly. Then they pass a law that if you live on the border of the's against the law to buy shit and bring it into the state !

PS there's a 25% TAX on all alcohol in the state. Your 6 pack just went from $6 to $7.50. That seems fair.

3) College Football playoff system - I mean come on....this is so obvious its just retarded that its not done already.

There's plenty of other stuff that I think is fairly obvious, but I understand that there are a fair number of kooks who will disagree because they're irrational, ignorant, and we can leave legalized gambling, legalized pot, and getting the state out of the marriage business for another day.

1 comment:

MyHusbandRules said...

Amen brother on the alcohol thing especially. Oh I can't buy a freakin' 6 pack of beer, it's much better if I buy a case. Logic is sooooo overrated.

Until they put customs at the border of PA, I'm bringing back whatever I want...