Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Groucho Marx said it best

Out of the blue I got a call last night, " Some of the teaching staff and parents were talking and we're wondering if you'd be interested in being Vice President of the PTA ?"

Given what you've read on the blog, you may find yourself sitting there with a bit of a surprised look on your face. IMAGINE HOW I FEEL !

I wrote PTA up above, but it might be PTO. If there is a difference I wouldn't know. Harper Valley had a PTA, I remember that from TV. I've also heard PTO thrown around from time to time. But the point is that it's not like I'm an active member of the organization. Why they selected me I have no idea...hell, I don't even know how they know who I am. Random draw perhaps ?

In any event, I immediately have to call into question the integrity of any organization that would choose me to be a member. What's wrong with those people ?

I was stunned enough to ask the guy for a day or two for me to think about it. On one hand, I always enjoy doing anything that's going the help out my kids. On the other hand, I'm really not sure that I'm capable of getting though a term without... shall we incident. On the ....errrr...third hand, if I had a third hand, having me flip out on someone at an elementary school function would offer up some interesting stuff to write about.

This one I'm going to have to ponder for a while.

1 comment:

Kevo said...

They might make you check your snow shovel at the door before the PTA meetings start.