Monday, September 29, 2008

what a life

I'm sure there's a way to get pictures from my phone and onto my computer.
I'm also sure that I'll never figure out how to do that...which is too bad because I have some good ones.

They say that all any parent ever wants to do is to give their kids a better life than what they had. But at what point is it ok to start getting jealous ?

Point in case...

Saturday I took the boy to the Phillies game. Not just any Phils game, but one in which they were playing for the NL East title. Because the Flyers had a special game at the Spectrum and Temple was playing at the Link we went public transportation. A short train, trolley, a then subway ride ( and 200 hands of blackjack) later we were sitting a dozen rows off the field eating ice cream. Not only did the boy enjoy a gluttonous afternoon of pizza, soda and ice cream, but we got an incredible nailbiter of a game. Jimmy Rollins made a diving save up the middle and turned a double-play in the 9th, with the bases loaded to seal the deal.

The place went nuts even by Philadelphia standards. There were fireworks, the bell was ringing, strangers were hugging each other. You could probably see all of this if you all were huddled in my office looking at my phone.

Sunday the boy had a football game. He started at quarterback and threw a completed pass for a touchdown and a completed pass for an extra point in the pouring rain at a level where just completing a pass is about a 8 to 1 shot. He rounded out the effort with two catch, a sack, and one interception.

We came home, made cheesesteaks, made a strawberry pie, and ate it all watching football until we feel asleep.

Damn I'm a lucky kid...I mean HE...yeah HE's a lucky kid.

Friday, September 26, 2008

real comfort

I broke my rear deraileur cable on my ride Tuesday. That meant 5 miles home in the 39x12.

Thursday came quicker than expected and that left me in a pickle. I moved a bunch of stuff around in the garage and dug out my old Cannondale retired something like 8 years ago. The thing had about a quarter inch of dust on it. The bar tape was held together by some electrical tape, and it still had vista lights and my drop-in bars ( the greatest bars ever invented i might add) and a rear blinker from when I had last used it as a commuter.

I threw some good wheels on it, doused the chain with WD-40 ( only the best) and headed out.

Talk about sweeeeeet.

It was like finding your high school baseball glove and sliding it on your hand. The thing fit absolutely perfect. It was only a 45 minute ride, but may have been one of the more enjoyable rides of the year. I may have a hard time going back.

Anyway, your funny clip of the day...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

hey wait a sec

It occurred to my on my drive in the Prez says the banks need an influx of cash...very important he says. OK I'm down with that.

But how about this ? Instead of printing up a bunch of money and giving it to them, or instead of assuming all their debt, how about this plan...

The government immediately drops the federal income tax rate for everyone paying taxes by 60%. That means instead of paying 40% of your income in federal taxes you only have to pay 24%. That's going to immediately give everyone in the country between a 6% and 16% raise.

With that, many of the people defaulting on their mortgages will have the money to actually PAY their monthly mortgage. People who have been reluctant to purchase a house might have the funds to do so. And everyone else will have money to spend, invest, and PUT IN THE BANKS.

Now the natural question is, how is the government going to get by on 40% of what they're used to having ? I say, let them figure that out. They can tighten the purse strings, they can be more attentive to waste, and if they're really in a jam they can print up money like they plan on doing anyway. But at least this way, we'd stand a chance.

ludes !

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

neo-cons are funny

From FoxNews ( of course)

Former UN Secretary Bolton talking about Ahmadinejad's address yesterday


And if anybody needed any convincing about how dangerous the Iranian regime is listen to Ahmadinejad today. Not only did he say the things that you mentioned, he also said that Zionists controlled the financial markets in the United States.

This is what this man thinks. Imagine him in possession of nuclear wapons.

yes, that's crazy, to think such a thing...wonder where would he get that idea ?

Federal Reserve Board of Governors ( of 6 positions)
Bernanke, Kohn, Mishkin, Kroszner

Bush forein policy team
Chertoff, Bolton, Pearle

and a foreign policy program the rejects diplomacy and supports Isreal's right to PREEMPTIVE attacks on PERCEIVED threats.

Yeah, he's crazy.


And before anyone jumps to not mistake those comments to be anti-semetic.

Simply put, there's an overt and unapologetic dispensationalist Christian and pro-Isreal influence in this current administration, and in the US government in general. So to have members of the administration continue to use comments about Zionism as 'evidence' of lunacy strikes me as funny ( not haha funny, but Orwellian double-speak funny...which really isn't that funy now that I think about it).

See this stuff scares me because you have a rising movement among evangelical Christians who really believe the rapture is coming soon. And the rise of Palin is further evidence that this movement is gaining momentum. My greatest fear is that these folks are going to succeed in self-fullfilling their own prophesy.

WOW ! That's a far cry from my usual farting stories eh ?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thank you freecycle


No, its not a cycling thing...its a REcycling thing.

You know all that stuff you have in your garage that you don't want to throw away because it still works...but you know you aren't ever going to use it again ?

Well this is your answer. You post what you have and if anyone can use it, the come and get it.

I posted my kids swingset on Friday at 2 pm, had 5 intersted people by the next morning and by Sunday at noon the entire swingset was out of my backyard ( no mean feat).

Just as important, I suppose, is that instead of being in a landfill or being firewood, the payset is going to put to good use by a new group of kids.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

how good is this ?

Minimize the screen because the video is stupid, but how about this songwriting.

If I could do two things that I cannot do, writing something like this would be one of them. The other would be to be able to sing Gospel like a large southern black woman.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

good poker story from 2+2

While visiting Scottsdale, I wandered over to the Indian casino and jumped into a 2/5 game. I sat in seat 7 at a full table. Next to me in seat 8 was a retired hockey player, no one famous or even well known. He was a big guy and apparently a regular. He had been drinking and developed a terrible negative attitude, berating the players and the dealers at every opportunity. This goes on for some time and everyone is just putting up with him. Despite his drinking however he remained rock tight.

Across the table in seat 3, sat a very young wispy haired kid whose shoulders barely spanned a foot. The kid looked 13 but was a good player.

The kid and the hockey player end up HU in a big pot. The river was dealt. Kid moved all in. Hockey player went in the tank. After a minute he folds. Kid slaps down rags face up.

Hockey player blows up. Berates the kid for showing the bluff and starts calling the kid names. The kid pulls the pot and starts stacking. The last name the hockey player yelled was "f***ing derelict!"

There was a brief pause. Then the wispy haired kid pushed two of his $100 stacks back toward the center of the table and said to the hockey player, "This $200 is yours if you can spell 'derelict'." The hockey player froze. I could barely contain myself. I had to turn away. Remember, the hockey player was sitting right next to me.

The stacks went back to the kid. The hockey player never said another word to anyone.

Later in the session, I noticed the hockey player with a pen and paper on his lap under the table. He was trying to spell out derelict

customer enterprise relations management architecture

The one thing that always bothers me about tech people is that they're always using words that send my bullshit meter into the red.

Now I know at this point that the jargon is industry wide and people are just communicating in kind, but I have a had time saying, "ok, ok Im impressed already..computers are mystical...programming is magic...I get it...just say what you mean".

I think these fuckers are paid by the syllable.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Parenting the insane

Matt Damon pretty much capturing my emotional state with regard to the presidental election. And before you nutjobs go psycho on me, the destain and disgust extends well beyond both sides of the aisle and into all arms of the media. But there's something surprisingly shocking about the way he states the obvious here and how it contrasts against the contrived discussions that almost everyone else is having.

Onto less depressing things

Me (on phone): Hello Sophie

Sop: This isn't Sophie, its Sabrina

Me: Yeah....whatever. Put Uncle Ron on.

Sop: He's not here.

Me: He's not ?!

Sop: No...he's out eating sushi.

Me: Dammit, put Uncle Ron on !

Sop: OK....and I'm telling Mom you used bad words again.

I had a guy at work who called me three times in three days being a bigger and bigger asshole each time he called. I reacted by being a nicer and nicer guy each time. By the thrid time I had enough. The real problem was during the third call a workman for our security system provider came into my office set up his ladder and was working on something in the ceiling just in front of my desk. What he first heard was me ridiculously dripping with niceness, " yes sir, no sir, I understand sir" etc, etc....then I blew. " I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR NONSENSE !!!!!", I yelled at the top of my lung...standing and sceaming into the phone. PLOP. Down went the screwdriver as the workguy needed both hands to stead himself on the ladder. Then he hustled down the ladder, grabbed the screwdriver and ran out the door.

Oh yeah, the guy on the phone couldn't have been any nicer. " Hey, thats great, thanks for helping me out". Go figure.

I'd write more... but after McNabb threw into tripple coverage on 2nd & 14 with 10 yards of open field to run in front of him last night..I have an email to Philly I need to take care of.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Open for buisness

Posting will resume tomorrow.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

where I've been

In a nutshell...

Got stuck in one airport....then got stuck in a second airport...was in both places with a headcold, so getting hammered drunk was out of the question. In an airport, with a headcold, sober might be the second level of hell.

Anyway up in the air, sinuses exploding, back down...rinse and repeat.

Finally got home after 12 hours miserable and exhausted. I loaded up no twice as many cold meds as recommended, pounded a beer, and went straight to bed at 8:30. I traded rooms with my daughter so that I wouldn't infect anyone else.

Somewhere around 2 am I woke up doped and disoriented and with a full bladder. I tried to figure out where I was made a beline for the only lightsource coming from the hallway.


I walked right into a opened closet door and split my nose and head open. I didn't even bother dealing with it. I took a leak and went back to bed.