Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Parenting the insane

Matt Damon pretty much capturing my emotional state with regard to the presidental election. And before you nutjobs go psycho on me, the destain and disgust extends well beyond both sides of the aisle and into all arms of the media. But there's something surprisingly shocking about the way he states the obvious here and how it contrasts against the contrived discussions that almost everyone else is having.

Onto less depressing things

Me (on phone): Hello Sophie

Sop: This isn't Sophie, its Sabrina

Me: Yeah....whatever. Put Uncle Ron on.

Sop: He's not here.

Me: He's not ?!

Sop: No...he's out eating sushi.

Me: Dammit, put Uncle Ron on !

Sop: OK....and I'm telling Mom you used bad words again.

I had a guy at work who called me three times in three days being a bigger and bigger asshole each time he called. I reacted by being a nicer and nicer guy each time. By the thrid time I had enough. The real problem was during the third call a workman for our security system provider came into my office set up his ladder and was working on something in the ceiling just in front of my desk. What he first heard was me ridiculously dripping with niceness, " yes sir, no sir, I understand sir" etc, etc....then I blew. " I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR NONSENSE !!!!!", I yelled at the top of my lung...standing and sceaming into the phone. PLOP. Down went the screwdriver as the workguy needed both hands to stead himself on the ladder. Then he hustled down the ladder, grabbed the screwdriver and ran out the door.

Oh yeah, the guy on the phone couldn't have been any nicer. " Hey, thats great, thanks for helping me out". Go figure.

I'd write more... but after McNabb threw into tripple coverage on 2nd & 14 with 10 yards of open field to run in front of him last night..I have an email to Philly I need to take care of.


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Sarah's a loser to be sure, but they're all losers. What makes that lousy corrupt fucktard Biden any better?

The answer: Nuthin'

Lucky said...

a repeat for the reading impaired:

"And before you nutjobs go psycho on me, the destain and disgust extends well beyond both sides of the aisle and into all arms of the media."

mathbach said...

crooks are way better the fundamentalist wack-jobs.

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

They're all crooks.

For me, the question is one of which one is least likely to pass a bunch of stupid laws (or support existing policies) that take my money, my freedom, and/or get people killed.

There's a lot of crap starting to float up about Palin right now that seems to indicate that she was a vindictive little cunt in Alaska. That said, I lean toward the opinion that the shorter that you've been in Washington, the less corrupt you probably are, and (for me, anyway) the more attractive as a candidate.

Matt Damon seems to think that because she hasn't been in Washington long enough she's not qualified to be VP or President. I completely disagree with this philosophy. There's nothing magical about the job of President - I'm sure that any number of reasonably intelligent people with good management skills could do an excellent job. What he calls experience, I call corruption. And besides, everyone knows Damon is a Democratic Party hack who will come up with any reason do dislike whomever the Republicans would have chosen for VP.

Whatever, I'm 90% sure voting for Barr anyway. the 10% of me that would consider voting for the Schwartzen as the most likely major party candidate to end the war can't get over the revulsion of supporting a fucking Socialist an all that goes with it.
