Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Inane in the Membrane

While I may have had time to post last week, i definately did not have any mental resources to contribute anything of value. Between the let-down post poker and the pressure of preparing a grant application, I was used up. I spent most of my free time huffing decongestants and staring at reality TV.

So Saturday, the kids had a soccer tournament. Instead of playing the usual game, they had all the kindegarten and first grade teams show up at the same time. Then they would blow an air horn at 8 minute and two minute intervals. The kids would play 8 minute games, then had two minutes to go to a different field before playing another 8 minute game. This continued until they played 5 games over six intervals. Oh yeah, there were something like 50 teams there.

The pandemonium was rather entertaining.

One thing is for sure. The dude who came up with idea has never gone on a Kettle One bender.

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