Thursday, December 13, 2007

Man up

Yesterday was boys day.

I took the boy to his Cub Scout meeting and we built birdhouses. In some instances birdHOUSE is a bit of a stretch. They were more like bird shanties for homeless glue sniffing, paint huffing birds. But there nothing wrong with affordable housing.

Then we came home to a girl free house and got our "man" on.

I grabbed a couple of caffine free sodas and we busted out the darts. After that came x-box motocross, a game of cards, and a belching contest.

In the 70's came bowling, golf in the 80's, bass fishing in the 90's, and poker for the last half dozen years. Whatever leisure activity captivates American couch potatos of the next decade, I'm doing what I can to assure that my boy is on the cutting edge. I'm grooming the Tiger Woods of rec rooms.

After the boy went to bed, I settled in on the couch and had a glass of 16 year old scotch that had recently been given to me as a present. One glass, nice and slow with my feet up and my ass nessled in on a warm couch...a nice relaxing reward for a day well done.

Some days its really nice to come in and have nothing interesting to write about.

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