Monday, December 08, 2008


That's why my house looked like Sunday morning. Plastic cups and bodies strewn about as a result of some self-induced mass other words, the annual Flick Family Christmas Party.

This year the party also doubled as a reveal for a year long prank that I pulled on my good friend and neighbor Tom. I haven't been able to write about it here for feat that he might see it, but the whole prank is laid out on another blog I write

In a nutshell, I stole Tom's wooden lawn deer and spent the last your mailing him around the coutry. THe two videos at the top of that page sum the whole thing up nicely.

Right now I feel like that Russian dude who got poisoned. I kinda look like him too.

1 comment:

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Did anyone get any video or pictures of you and/or hollenbukkake puking?

That's what I want to see...
