Saturday, February 14, 2009


I get it. Sorry it took so long.

All those granny-earth muffin, WTO protesting, Birkenstock wearing, nutjobs who have been yelling about capitalist imperialism and American ills...I own you an apology. You were right.

Now in my defense, if you guys had presented yourselves a little better and, say, taken a bath once a month, you may have been able to make a more compelling argument. But bygones....

I have a friend who is a successful Trek dealer. I mentioned how I thought it was disappointing that Trek screwed over Greg LeMond. " Greg LeMond ? Greg LeMond is a big fucking crybaby full of sour grapes and jealousy."

Well you can imagine the the rest of the conversation didn't go particularly well.

But after some thoughtful discussion he make the following points:

- Yeah Lemond is right. Yes Lemond is fighting from the moral high ground. Yes Lance is a self-selving cheating dick with a god complex. And yes, the guy in the black hat is winning, and winning handily. It's like if Star Wars ended with Darth Vader killing Luke and Leah.

But none of that matters.

- Trek is making money. He's making money. Trek is American and so Lance is good for America ( he actually said this). Lance brings people to cycling. Lance brings attention to cancer. He said the benefits of Lance (even doping) outweigh the negatives. The ends totally justify the means. Even if he's right, Greg Lemond should have recognized that and should have realized that speaking out was going to cost him his business and his reputation. Ultimately no one really cares if Lance doped.

He (Greg) should have just shut the fuck up and get onto the gravy train.

THAT, my fiends, should be the first line revised constitution.

God Bless America(tm)


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

wow, three awesome posts in a row this week, none of them "bad beat" card stories.

You're on a friggin' tear dude, keep it up.


Spice said...

Dude. I was on the train a long time ago.

now Levi. he's the asshole.