Friday, June 26, 2009

sunburned head

Alas the perils of thinning ( not balding Mr. H-stick, thinning !), I have sunburn on my head.

Kid golf tourney #2 yesterday. The boy opened with a par, then went double, then bogey and lead the thing after 4 holes.

Then he went 10 - 10 - 5 - 13 to send his chances south and his father into a fit. I found that, given the right circumstances, I am one of "those" Dads. I aint saying I'm proud of it, I'm just taking stock.

All in all he did fine. He improved by 9 strokes and handled himself better than his old man.

I took him out to breakfast this morning and he was having a great time until we opened up the sports section and he saw that his score and placing were in the paper. I distracted him by asking him what states were on the quarters he was holding in change from the newspaper.

"hmmmm", he looked them over, " Utah and Idaho. If you mixed them up that would be Ida-tah"

" Or," I offered without thinking, " Uta-ho". Then he laughed for like 10 straight minutes, catching his breath once in a while and saying,

" You-Da-Ho bawahahahahahah I know what that means bahahhahahah YOU-DA-HO !!!!!"

Man I wish I was 9.

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