Friday, July 03, 2009

limited access

Seems like the only way I can get online is if I stand in the middle of the road with the laptop in one hand and a wire coat hanger with a ball of aluminum foil on the end in the other hand. And its tough to type when you're dodging cars and looking like a junk yard statue of liberty.
Almost one week down and all members of the family still alive, no stiches or broken bones.

Highlights so far.

- I yell at some old lady at the Taj on Monday night. I'm not sure if it was the same old lady that I yelled at two years ago at the Trop, but just in case I ended my tirade with " ..and I thought we covered this the last time I yelled at you at the Trop !". She left 5 hands later.

- Some old Puerto Rican dude tried to hit me with his cane. I honestly have no idea what I did. We were playing 2-4 limit holdem, he made a bet, I folded, then he started screaming and weilding his cane in a quite aggressive way. He was yelling in incoherant Spanish. I odered him a rum and coke which he refused to drink out of spite.

- I won a minature golf tournament, hitting a hole in one in the first playoff hole....against a stoned 16 year old kid. I've been shopping all week for a big gold chain to hand the trophy from for when I go back next week to defend my title. ( and yes I yelled suck it when I sunk the ace to win the match)

- I haven't been drunk yet - and I've exercised every day. I plan on revesing both those trends in about 15 minutes. When I'm nice and hammered I plan on drunk dialing Stick and yelling at him in incherant Spanish.

1 comment:

scott haverstick said...

great vacation!
are t & the kids along, too?