Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My head is going to assplode

I was attempting to do some recording over Skype to put together some lame podcast of an idea that I have. Almost an hour later, between software downloads, reboots, and tutorials, I'm not a hell of a lot further than when I started.

And that doesn't count the 40 minutes of rooting around to find my new earphones and microphone, both of which are still lost. And the 15 minutes of apologizing to my family after accusing the of hiding my stuff so that I'd freak out and have a stroke and then they could collect the life insurance money on me.

My apology was reluctantly accepted, but only because the youngest girls started asking if we really got money if Daddy died and would it be enough to get a pony, and that sort of spooked everyone out.

So if anyone has any experience which podcasting or skype recording please contact me and try and save me and my family additional anguish.

1 comment:

Spice said...

You need a Mac, the podcasting software comes with it