Monday, March 22, 2010

A peak behind the curtain

Neil Brown, cycling journalist ( and Landis apologist), was on the Spokesman Roundtable last week when the Kornheiser/Armstrong issue came up.

Brown wasn't upset about Kornheiser about what T.K. said. He was mad that T.K. scooped the interview.

Brown stated that he and Road Magazine had spend the year purposely not printing anything inflammatory about Astana so that they could get an interview with Lance Armstrong. In the end, and after having to wait an additional three weeks after scheduling it, all their silence bought them was one brief interview.

He was complaining that Kornheiser didn't play according to the Lance rules but still got an interview, and in three days even ! The horror the horror!

It was weirdly refreshing to hear someone finally admit how "journalism" really works.

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