As stated earlier, I don't know anything about the health care plan other than anything that involves this much yelling can only mean that someone has found a new way to screw all of us and now its a mad dash to get to the front of the gang bang train.
So I find it a funny coincidence that I had the following happen to me today.
We'll start last year when my wife started taking Rozeru\em. Rozerem is a mild, no addiictive, no narcotic, sleep aid. Other than Tylenol PM, its about the most benign sleep drug you can get. Fortunately, it worked really well on my wife.
We switched insurance companies and they said, "Rozerem only works on 25% of patients so you have to try Lunesta first". Despite explaining to them that we already knew she was one of the 25% they were unyielding and switched her to the more intense narcotic.
Lets fast forward a year and I've asked for Lunesta. I got a sample from the doctor and tried it a couple of times over the last 3 months. Its not something I'd regularly take, but at stressful times when I can't sleep I've taken one and it helps. So I called the doc and he prescribed me a low dose version.
I just got back from the Pharmacy. The insurance company says that the Lunesta is expensive and they have a better deal for themselves for Ambien. Ambien is a total ass kicker of a drug. Its the stuff that you hear about people sleep driving on....yeah driving while asleep.
I protested and said, " I don't want any kick ass shit, I just want the lowest dose Lunesta please."
Nope. It either have to take most potent stuff out there. That's sort of messed up.
Monday, March 22, 2010
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Can you think of any other "market" where you as the person consuming the product aren't the actual customer? The way the insurance system is set up, it's the insurance company that purchases the product (i.e., the drug), therefore they call the shots.
Wonder why that is?
It's all about reimbursements they recieve from the insurance company. Contracts, cost, gets complicated...
word verification: hognaud
Hey Flick don't worry your insurance company will be out of business in about 2 years, if it takes that long. Then Obama will tell you what you get and don't get. My guess he will tell you to fuck off and die
I used to date this girl that liked to take ambien before knocking boots. She never actually fell asleep in the middle of the action or anything, so, you know, I don't know if I have a point to make with this story other than it was kind of cool.
"fuck off and die"...actually saves taxpayers money. If someone is already in pain with not much chance for even poor quality of life...why would you want that person to suffer any longer.
Spice, So Sarah's goes to the doctor and she is diagnosed with MS, she is going to have pain and a POOR QUALITY OF LIFE. She can't play with other kids, has to ride the short bus to school, has to be taken to the bathroom because she can't do it here self. But she has a sound mind. Do we spend the tax payers money? Or do we say fuck off and die. To me she sounds like she is going to be a major burden to the system. My vote is spend the tax payers money. What is yours?
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