Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2

I made the mistake of mentioning my efforts to my poker group. Now my phone rings about every hour with people texting me pictures of what they're eating....bacon, hamburgers, brownies, etc.

Day one ended rather uneventful except for my jaw hurting. Hamburgers are soft. Chicken wings are soft. Broccoli you gotta chew. I think vegetarians are skinny just because their jaws are too tired to keep eating.

I actually felt decent this morning and had a big bowl of fruit in the am and followed it up with a light bike ride.

Everything after that has been downhill....Today's juice is red. It has the look and consistency of blood. Beets, radish, tomatoes, etc. Its gross. Lunch was an apple and more broccoli and peas.

I feel pretty crappy. I had a coffee just for a little energy boost but that was short lived. I'm having a tough time concentrating and feel a little lightheaded. The only two things keeping me in the game are the fact that my symptoms are not nearly as bad as a hangover, so I'm used to working productively in a much worse state & I went into this knowing that the first three days were going to see my get progressively worse until things started getting better.

The only real issue I had was when I was going through the cabinet to get a container for lunch I knocked over a bag of Durritos. When I went to wrap them back up and puff of air came out of the bag with a strong smell of Durrito goodness. That one hurt. And it was Cool Ranch. mmmmmmmmmmm cool ranch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dump the durritos and just keep going with the diet!