Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Media whores

The news continues to refer to the Sandusky situation as a "sex scandal" or more recently a "sex abuse scandal".

It's not.

It's horrible case of rape, peodphilia, assault, abuse, and possibly a dozen other things, but it's not a "sex" scandal. But they insist on listing it as one in the headlines and on the tv screens.

The reason ? Because the want to titillate you into watching. And while using sex to sell a story when it's Paris Hilton flashing her beaver is crass, it's mostly harmless. But when you sexualize the abuse of a ten year old boy to sell bars of soap, online stock trading, and of all fucking things Cialis, well then you've pretty much become the crackhead handing out flyers to a peep show outside the casino men's've just got a nicer suit and marginally better crack.

1 comment:

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Is the crack really better?
