Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saved by an acorn squash

I almost cracked last night.

I grilled steaks for the kids for dinner and it was just about too much to bear.

While the steaks were cooking I prepared dinner for my wife and I. One the menu was acorn squash, baked and stuffed with a portabella, garlic and onion stuffing. I've never had acorn squash and the mushrooms look rather disgusting, but I had all the ingredients so I figured I'd just give it a try. If all else failed, the kids were going to get less steak than they bargained for.

In short, the squash was fantastic. The mushroom stuffing was full of flavor and was indistinguishable from bread stuffing. The squash has a nice flavor, good texture, and was filling. The meal was great. Its definitely something that I'll add to my regular menu when the 15 days are up.

Today brought a very welcome change. After Monday's green juice, and Tuesday's red juice, today was a full on fruit juice. Blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, apple and banana and damn was it good. I drank it, and I coffee and right now I'm totally jacked. I suspect that I'll crash in about 15 minutes, but its surely a welcome change from the sluggish feeling I had yesterday.

The one unintended benefit of this process has been with our family. Last night was the second night in a row where the entire family was in the kitchen together, doing homework, preparing food, and eating as a family. This is in start contrast to our usual rushing around and eating on the fly on the way to one activity or another. Having to plan time for food prep and designate dinner time is a pain for scheduling, but at least in the short period of time has been well worth the effort. And its in those seeming innocuous times of just being together that the opportunity to talk and share really present themselves.

Ok, this post is far too fluffy, feel good, and positive to start talking about the effect of red beet juice on bathroom activities, so I'll save that for tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a picture of last night's dinner.


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Did you lose any actual weight yet?

Not that I want to quash you're efforts, but you know, they make diet pills and laxatives for a reason.*


*Just ask Mike!

Jim said...

Wow. These vegetarian dishes look like they'd be awesome.

Served on the side w/t a 22 ounce porterhouse.

Keep it up. And try to include some stories about destroying the bathroom at work. Shit, I'll blogroll you, you do that. (Like that's worth anything. But still).