Friday, July 28, 2006

There you go

Spend a good potion of the night drinking cheap beer and a good portion of the morning with a cheap hangover. Perfect. Now I can think of lots of stuff to write. Too bad most of them might constitute a class two felony.

Mrs. Flick was in a fender bender last night, so I have to take care of that right now and not a lot of time to chit chat. I will pass along on conversation from last night that I though particularly funny.

The bar we play at is a bit of a roughneck place. Lot of bikers, lots of black and purto rican guys too old to go to the clubs but young enough to still go out, and generally speaking most of the women are around fifty and carry knives.

Around 11pm a gaggle of young "round the way" girls walked in. None of them could have been a day over 21. They were decked out in hoochie wear, showing their bellies, their asses, and their boobies. It was your typical round the way set-up. One really hot puerto rica chick, one skinny but kinda hot white girl trying really hard to be puerto rican, one chubby white chick with nice nails, and two roughneck black chicks with gigantic booties. In

Their entrance brought the place to a standstill...especially when the put a bunch of dance music into the jukebox and started provactively dancing with each other.

The girls were of course doing all this to tease the guys in the place. They weren't looking to pick up, just to get a little attention from some middle aged farts. But that hardly ever stops a brother from trying right ? After a while one of the guys got up the courage to walk over and it the basis for the point of this post.

PR guy: Hey ladies, how you all doing tonight ?

Black girl ( not interested at all): fine.

PR Guy: What your name

BG: Sharone

pause of dead air

PR guy ( now getting annoyed at being shown up): Well dont you want to know MY name ?

BG: I already know your name.

PR guy ( suprised and hopeful) : You Do ?!

BG: Yeah...its either Angel or guys are always named Angel or Hector

PR guy: What the....? That's prejudice thing to say. Not every Puerto Rican guy is named Angel or Hector. Damn girl.

BG: Ok then what IS your name.

PR Guy: Ummm, Angel.

Black Girl ( turning back to her drink): Exactly.


Spice said...

What exactly does "around the way" mean... I need to get me some of that.

Flick said...

It's not coffee with Wayne or beers at the Irish Pub, but I enjoy it thanks.