Wednesday, September 13, 2006

another good police story

Every once in a while the police do something that makes me think that I'm too harsh on them. Then just as I'm reconsidering my position I can usually count on them to fuck it up. For instance....

A few years back the police used some quick thinking and the heart attack paddles in their car to revive a guy and save his life. It was acutally pretty cool, so we decided to do a little story about it in our municipal newletter.

I asked the heart attack man to come in around the shift change so we could reunite him with the two officers and maybe take a picture. So around 5 pm heart attack man, his wife and his grandson came in and met with the two officers who were getting off of their shift.

Now I need to point out that almost all the officers are former football players and former military...usually army infantry. So we're talking about big...giant actually...macho...beefheads. And unbeknownst to me (and just about anyone else) they must get ready for their police shift like they used to get up for their high school football know smacking each other around, screaming, smashing their heads into stuff...whatever.

So I'm upstairs in the meeting room having a heartfelt moment with the people upstairs. Tears are welling up in everyone's eyes as the old man thanks the officers, and the officers meet the wife...and the little boy thanks them for saving his grandpa...and then it begins.

As I'm starting to assemble everyone for the picture we could faintly hear the first volley of words

.....smash...crash....FAGGOT !.....smash....FAGGOT !.....

I tried to continue, we all tried to continue, awkwardly pretending like we hadn't hear anything.

...FAGGOT !......FAAAAGGGGGG........OOOOOTTTTT !!!!! and more smashing.

Now it was really really awkward and everyone was sitting quickly and smile so I could take the picture.


I quickly took the damn picture and got the hell out of there.

A typical moment ruined.

1 comment:

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...