Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Crazy Ole Melanoma Head

Last night was "Art Night" at the kid's elementary school.

They display a couple of pieces of each kid's artwork in a seemingly random fashion. Then packs of parents and screaming kids wander around in some sort of twisted Easter-egg hunting type ritual, all trying to find their kid's painting of a fruit bowl among the hundreds of other paintings of the exact same fruit bowl.

Oddly enough I find the entire thing kind of entertaining.

Anyway, I successfully found a piece my son had made and excitedly gestured to Mrs. Flick who was down the hall. When I got her attention in the crowded hallway I pointed to the right, where the artwork was, and almost hit some lady in the side of the head and startled her.

" Oh I'm sorry", I apologize, " I almost.....

and with that she turned around to look at me and right there in the center of her face was this gigantic nose.

and so I finished..." ...I almost poked you in the nose."

Meanwhile it was apparent to both of us that, clearly, I didn't come anywhere close to poking her anywhere near her nose.

There was a very awkward pause as both of us stared at her nose for a second. Then I mumbled something about it being really crowded and ran away as fast as I could.

The situation reminded me of this....

At 1:57 I start laughing uncontrolably... every time.


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