Monday, November 14, 2011

Camel ass

Trying a new diet as a result of watching the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead .

Essentially its 15 days of nothing but fruits and vegetables. Don't ask me if its a "cleanse", because I don't know what a cleanse is but I have a feeling that doing one would entail me kissing other men.

To prepare for the next 15 days, I:

a. went to the store and bought $150 worth of fruits and vegetables
b. went on a three day bender eating and drinking everything in sight, including having a full Thanksgiving meal two weeks ahead of time.

This morning I woke up at 5:30 and prepared my "meals" for the day.

I made an apple, cherry, and raisin bake, with nutmeg and cinnamon. While that was cooking I made my juice for the day comprised of green vegetables. Then I made today's salad for lunch.

Just finished lunch and here are my impressions:

- 1 hour of food prep time in the morning is not nearly as convenient as coffee and donut followed by a cheeseburger for lunch.
- $150 worth of vegetables doesn't go nearly as far as I expected.
- blended up green vegetables taste what I imagine a camels ass tastes like.

Only 14.5 days to go.

Starting numbers
weight: 234 lbs
general feeling: tired and sore ( i DID have a 3 day bender)

feeling at post time: the same except very much desiring a donut, cheeseburger and coffee if for nothing else then to deal with the camel taste.


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

I figured you'd like that movie.

Maybe "like" isn't the right term. (scared straight?)


mathbach said...

don't you know you can't do this kind of thing on your own - you need a PR campaign, a web site and some tv/radio spots all detailing a ridiculously epic athletic endeavor. preferably it should also involve a couple white-toothed well toned trainers and some stunts with lots of potential for embarrassment.