Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I'm done with poker.

I'm cracked.

I'm emotionally unstable.

I laid in bed until 2 am last night stewing.

You see, the cards are supposed to balance out over time. If you're a 70% favorite and you worries you will next time. And if you happen to lose the next worries, you'll get the next few.

Well you know what....BULLFUCKINGSHIT.

One of two things has happened.....either I was really really really lucky for the last 6 months where I was making steady money and now I'm paying for it....or someone put some voo-doo fucking curse on me.

I'm not going to make you suffer through a bunch of bad beat stories, but I'll just say that I've lost some very important hands....economically important as well as emotionally important...where I was a 70% favorite or better. I've been knocked out of big money tournaments....I've been knocked out against some rivals.....I've been knocked out where I could really use a break...I've been knocked out live with the last of my bankroll on the table.

In every instance there is a common theme. At the time I shoved in I was at least a 2 to 1 favorite, and in most instances I was at least 70%.

Whatever the cause, whatever the reasoning, whatever the rationale, I'm cracked.

Fuck it , I'm out.

Get ready for some reading 'cause I'm pissed, I'm thirsty, and I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands.

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