Friday, December 29, 2006

A River Runs Through It

Ever hear of that movie " A River Runs Through It" ?

Well I found out what the "it" was in that movie. The " It" is my asshole. And the river river is shaped like a giant rusty razor.

$60 buy in....25 people.....winner gets $500, pays 5 deep. ( 500, 400, 300, 200, 100)

9 players left. I'm in 4th place.

in the big blind I get 66, three callers so I limp.

flop 6 J J

I make a small bet knowing that a J will have to come over the top of me all in

Sure enough, the poker player that I hate most in life, the #1 dude I want to beat. The suckiest ass douchebag BAD poker player who thinks he's good...he raises me all-in for $7000.

Now this troll looking fucker was on life support 10 minutes ago. He was playing his usual brand of terrible and went all in with 56 before the flop against QQ and he WON. Then he went all in A9 to 88 and AJ and hit a 9 and WON, trippling up.

So now I have flopped a full house and this idiot is raising me all-in and I have the nuts.

It's like a Hollywood script and I'm James fucking Bond.

He calls with J Q

Unbelievably good for me. I'm huge favorite.

The turn is a 5

Perfect ! My odds of winning go up. I'm 85%...that's eighty-five times out of one hundred times that I win.

If I win the hand, I'd go from 9900, which is what 'd started the hand with, up to 23,000. I'd be wayyyyy in first place and I'd have 23% of all the chips left in the entire tournament. There'd be 8 guys left, paying 5 deep.

The river, of course, was a Q.

People say moments like that are a test from God.

I say, what kind of evil God pulls shit like that ?

I could see God giving you a test like, " Hey dude, here's a million dollars now go see how much good you can do ". Now that's a righteous God test.

God can't possibly be sitting around as say, " I'm going to give this guy hope. And then I'm going to take all his hope away. And I'm going to do it in a way that is the biggest possible torment I can invent." That aint God....that's devil shit right there. I blaming the devil for this shit. Devil shit.

1 comment:

Bellie said...

dude...its like you said before...hold'em is a life of bad have to get as much enjoyment from your suckouts as much as you despise your asskickin beats! I don't know how those pro's can put up with that shit day after day!..I would end up killing myself!