Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sooner or later I'll learn to shaddup

I find myself pretty tired lately.

I'm in a kick where I stay up too late, drink too much coffee, then I'm too tired to exercise. So slowly but surely I'm getting fat, out of shape and exhausted.

All this inspired my wife to make a suggestion the other day.... " You stay up later than anyone else. Why don't you go to bed earlier"

Well I can explain why. From the moment I wake up, my time is taken up by other people. I wake and am immediately pressed into action...either a dog needs taken out, or a kid needs dressed or someone's waffles need to cut into perfect squares. I used to purposely wake up early on Sunday mornings so I could have a cup of coffee and read the newspaper in peace. But the children have superpowers. Under normal circumstances you can't wake them with an atomic bomb, but try and do something...anything...for yourself and they suddenly spring to life and find that they need you for something immediate and pressing. I never got past section B in the Sunday news and eneded that experiment.

Anyway, morning leads into work, which needs so explaination. Then when I come home its activity, dinner, homework, baths, bed...bed again...bed again...yelling to go to bed, crying...then everyone is asleep. Then....and only I have, for the first time all day, a moment to myself.

And she wants me to give that up.

That's like suggesting to a prisoner on death row.... " You look like you might be getting too much sun, how about cutting your hour in the yard to say....40 minutes"...I mean she already took away my congical visits !!!!

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