Friday, October 20, 2006

Flick on Vacation

I'm off to Atlantic City then planning a solid 3 day drinking bender.

I will return Monday and have three stories ready already for next week.

So have a good weekend and I'll catch up with you on Monday.


Spice said...

While you're there. Check out that Strip club, Bare Exposures, next to the Trump plaza. Her stripper name is Stephanie...real name Cindy. She's a blonde, with huge Organic boobies.

While on my way back from Vegas at the Phoneix Airport.. I chatted up this chic...Cindy. Turned out she's s stripper from the "City". I must have made the cut, because I ended up having dinner with her..while on the layover...then sat with her on the plane...

Interesting too. She kept arching her back.... which gave me a good look at ther prized possesions..

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

That should give you masturbatory fantasies for at least the next 5 years.