Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The shit heard round the world

Well that did it.

The dog dies this weekend.

I was just sitting here after a hard days work relaxing. The dog walked over between the back and me, looked up at me, then shit a huge pile of diarrhea all over the carpet.

I just spent the last 20 minutes cleaning up the smelliest pile of dog shit in the history of modern man. The fucking dog must have been eating squid or curry or something.

Anyway, this saturday I'm going to make the stupid thing a steak, walk it in the park, then take it over the the vets and have it put down.

And any of you bleeding heart PETA types have a problem with that, you can come get the dog and save it. Just drop me a note and I'll send you the address. You have 3 days.


Spice said...

If you think your dog shits should come over every morning and check out my bathroom.

Flick said...

I'd have you put down too if I thought I could get away with it.