Thursday, October 05, 2006

yes, there are silly questions

" If I make a pot of coffee will anyone drink it ?"

Ok, let's get something straight, the answer to that question is always yes.

And not because people love coffee...they do. And will they drink it...they will.

The answer is yes because if you're asking.... YOU want coffee. So go ahead an make it. And I suspect it's because people don't want to 'waste' the coffee. Listen, coffee is water and grounds. Despite what Starbucks would lead you to believe, it aint that speical and it aint that expensive...espically the pencil shavings that serve as coffee in most office buildings.

You're at work, busting your ass...surfing porn..whatever. The least you can do is treat yourself to a cup-o-joe.

So if the question comes up in your head put it to the side, head back to the break room, and make yourself up a nice big pot.


Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

You're definitely light on material today.

Flick said...

i was too busy reading the last entry from your know, the Christmas special.

Burt Friggin' Hoovis said...

Sorry...tonight I'll run home and post about the pot of coffee that I made at work today. That'll keep everyone enthralled...